Waverley Blues Football Netball Club
powered by TidyHQWaverley Blues Facility Fund
Waverley Blues Facility Fund
The Waverley Blues Football Netball Club, including all Junior and Senior teams, have joined forces with the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF) to create a new fundraising platform to raise funds to improve the facilities at Mt Waverley Reserve & Pinewood Reserve. Our first major project was a new electronic scoreboard with video and sound play back to replace our old dilapidated scoreboard. This project was completed in May 2016. Any future donations will go towards projects such as improving the changerooms at both reserves (including flooring, painting and making them more female friendly), new lighting and our grand plan of a new pavilion at Mt Waverley Reserve
Importantly all donations made to this fund are tax deductible to the individual or business and receipts are automatically sent to all donors. Funds raised will be segregated for the use of improving Mt Waverley Reserve & Pinewood Reserve facilities only.
Making a donation is easy!
Click here for our donation page
Click on the donation button and fill out required details
Donors receive instant receipt and notification of tax deductible donations
*Manual cash and cheque donations are also available by contacting the club at waverleyblues@efnl.org.au